Key Lock Boxes
Secure Your Home!
Nowadays, there are a large number of households where both people
are working and the house is empty. With the KeyGuard Pro, you can
now be at ease. The Key Lock Box can provide secure key storage for
a spare key that could be needed at any time.
KeyGuard Pro Key Lock Boxes provide secure key storage and
controlled access to your home to only those to whom you give the
combination. This could include maintenance, emergency access to
your home, cleaning personnel, friends and family that have arrived
while you are stuck in traffic. There are many more possibilities
as well. How many times have you wished you left a spare key?
The KeyGuard Pro Key Lock Boxes can be changed in seconds. If you
wish, you can set your KeyGuard Pro Key Lock Boxes to another
combination after serviced by maintenance or cleaning personnel.
Leaving for the weekend? Taking a vacation? The KeyGuard Pro
secure key storage can give access to a house sitter, pet sitter or
anyone else you give access to while you are enjoying yourself.
Never Be Locked Out Again !
Peace of Mind, Convenience and Security.
KeyGuard Key Lock Boxes

Cleaning Personnel
Friends & Family

Feeding pets, watering plants
while you are out of town

Locked out again?? |